Showing posts with label investment. investment's substitute. Show all posts
Showing posts with label investment. investment's substitute. Show all posts


Yes, 4G3W is for good

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The classic economic machinerie is not able to produce capital gains without the imposition of a risk of loss, often over the total amount exposed at the investment practice when intenting to reach added value.

Now using Internet and "the datevaluation practice" everybody is able to reach capital gains over digital savings. It means that in Economy 4G3W (web based and provided with datevaluation as an investment's substitute) the assumption of the risk is refused by the economic agent and prefer the it ownership guidance in cash phase (cashkeeping action) which insured by the creation of digital savings.

Yes. Datevaluation practice is propsed to be launched by Google/Alphabet (giving tech-structure needs) and the USA Admnistration (giving Law regulations).
Because people have to get the opportunity of the economic upgrade contained in "datevaluation practice", "with it linking money-to-money for much-more-money by Mountain-View-Mousephone-4G3W. Because Google may make it #webcashmatic and may deal the #webtaxmatic. For good.

Folks are able to add free dynamics and free production factors in disponibility at IoT on the web. And Google knows how to give folks a personal-app-for-savings-helper for free and safe gains-multiplication-added-value-creation. Going for quadrillions business.To keep first. For good.

And USA is for good. Regulations is the job for it admnistration. To keep first. For good.

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