Showing posts with label protocol Google-USAdmin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label protocol Google-USAdmin. Show all posts


Classic savings gesture is bad for cognition

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Yes, it was bad into the Classic Economy, 
because you was limited into the economic trilemma :

What you save you do not spend, nor invest;

What you spend, you do not invest, nor do you save;

What you invest, you do not save or spend.

Now, if Google deals with USAdmin to launch the "datevaluation practice" giving folks the opportunity to create personalized digital savings inputing nominative time at the money, sensitive digital savings change individual cognition and each person reaching hapiness by economic performance achieved .


What's the idea for webcashmatic added value

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May you give folks the ability to make webcashmatic added value ?

If yes, are these producted added values created as cash results and as a continuos wealth source ?

How may I get the ability for myself ?

Personal Webcashmotor

Yes, it's easy just depending on a protocol between Google and USAdmintration.

Why that ?

Because, the thing is for folks use in liberty and for free. And with web-tax-matic paiement resolved, for people wellbeing.

Is the thing so great ? Well you can imagine it : datevaluation is a new economic practice in which results are allways positifs and impulsed by web dynamics.

Why Google ?

Because technical support needs, blockchain engineearing, and big capacities handling proces. Thousands of trillions business.

Why USAdmin ?

Because regulation needs and the inexorable pression over big heads will force that if folks stay reduced at the economic trilemma :
"( if you spend,you dont save neither invest...)
( if you save, you dont spend neither you invest...)
( if you invest, you dont save neither you spend.)".-
Datevaluation is the disponibility to enlarge the limits of the Classic Economy, web putting it on the 4G3W algorithm of blockchain controled dynamics.
