Showing posts with label Google as Fed's midwife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google as Fed's midwife. Show all posts


Let Google be the US Fed's midwife so it can give birth to the digital US dollar

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The money data-valuation aims to be an economic practice that allows people to create personalized digital savings. 

Personalized digital savings can be created as digital objects in assets belonging to their creators or their successive holders, later acquiring the evolutionary rights by transaction between living persons or by reason of death. 

These algorithmical digital objects created by each person containing titularity, date of creation with time counter and monetary burden as it singular data inventory, are registered and accounted as personalized digital savings. 

These singular objects created by individual persons upgrading their US dollars running the WUW's algorithm sing the Google Cloud Platform , could be homologated by US Fed as smart CBDCs or simply to be legitimated as digital US dollars.

Monetary data evaluation is workable in the Internet space. Through the application "PSH-Personal Savings Helper" an algorithm is executed to be driven by the Google Cloud Platform service BPaaS-personal Business Process as a Service that:
 - Works in the cash phase for results in the cash phase;
 - Provides daily #webcashmatic results from all 4 digital savings property utilities ;
1. Monetary utility, because it digital savings with reversible guaranty ;
2. Financial utility, because it source of capital gains ;
3. Taxmatic utility : because it quality of all taxes payed ;
4. Spiritual utility : because it multiplicative capacity produces growing forces to make savings.


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