Showing posts with label blockchain protected. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blockchain protected. Show all posts


Your webjuris quality

buzz this

The contract-register webjurisperson 4G3W (now smart contract), should be able to regulate the questions related to the modifications of the legal support of any physical or moral person having taken foot in the webspace wuw to the creatures sui-generis.

Wuw being the Webcash_Universocial_Web, WUW, in the format web2.0 and reserved for the exercise of the datevaluation in Economy 4G3W.

This contract is put in search by Filipe Alves Ferreira, because it would seem wise to find the form to create legal web supports where we can anchor the relations exclusively webcontained, weblimited, webliving.

And in the case of a legal personality assuming exclusively reports confined to the webspace, to be able to create the person:

FilipeAlvesFerreira WebJuris4G3W supports its property rights and its relationships with, for example, the web thing: "owndated webspace quantum" by translating literally the "quantum of webdate space". The owner + his thing and his webcadré relations.

FilipeAlvesFerreira WebJurisWUW

or the person:

DerSpiegel WebJuris4G3W
DerSpiegel WebJurisWUW
DerSpiegel WebjurisGOOGLE

And so on to become involved in web things and webpublic exercice. The whole thing is entirely free and responsible.

The staff consented as public and limited use to the webpublic and "in webspace limits".

This is the Webjurisvalidity with its Stop_in_Web

The limits of the webspace framing to distinguish this one, for example of the space framed by the happy Treaty of Rome born well before the Web and as such Stop_out_Web:

The Thing "Owndated Webspace Quantum" is looking for his Web_Chancellerie Stop_in_Web. With its public Web_Sheets for webjuris validation of the Stop_in_Web concept.

The Web_Scellement to certify the domain of "beings-relations" distinguished by the webspaced existence and its confinement. For the creation of these Web_Sceaux too, it is time to create both the WUW and elsewhere. I preconize it. [(Filipe Alves Ferreira (1942)]
