Showing posts with label #enhancement of Classical Economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #enhancement of Classical Economy. Show all posts


Google Cloud Support helping for Google S

buzz this

Considerating how vital it is for the launch of the money datevaluation practice is to use Google Cloud Platform for the only enhancement of Classical Economy now in disponibility y that can give people a substitute for investment to drive them to take advantage of the new economic space 4G3W able for produce conditions for extracting infinite wealth in personalized modus.
Now for you Georgi, please :

I can't get to the root of my domain, which for me has become an important domain as I expose and think about developing the core of my economic theory of the fourth gesture of "the money datevaluation" to add to the ability to free economic action, as a substitute for investment but without the risk of it.

I ask for your help in the following guidance:

From my blog "" is derived from progressing my use of Google Suite implying and hence trying to take advantage of Google Cloud Platform to promote the creation of "Google Cloud Money Platform" = Google S by future Alphabet-Google agreement with USA Admnistration.

I am a non-technical author and I am over 77 years old. And then ?
The use of the internet and GoogleCloudPlatform is essential for the launching and operation of the practice of datevaluation of the money (shifting it in personalized digital savings anchored at the FED) that will bring welfare so far disturbed by the contradiction of the three economic gestures (consumption, savings and investment) that make up the possibility of action. thus limited in classical economics.

Now as I begin to understand what GCP is, I will be progressing to explain myself above all to Google. Because I would like to motivate Google to implement what I created and tested in the market for over 35 years before. Before the Internet and before Google.

Finally you would find a way to help me in this technical deck I'm in and almost paralyzed.

Thank you very much in advance,
Best regards,
Filipe AlvesFerreira (27.05.1942)
