Showing posts with label cash results every 24 hours. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cash results every 24 hours. Show all posts


Create your digital savings with own time

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Create digital savings with own time
Create digital savings with own time property and then enter at T.O.M. The Time Owned Market and get cash results every 24 hours.

Because your money run cash over cash, to share cash results rolling capacity to multiply always making money as time go.

Yes you are at Time Market to deal time as a commodity with #datevaluation advantages.


What is time as a commodity?

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Treat part of your time like a commodity: put it in dynamic stock, arrange it in containers, apply accumulated quantity counters, put time on sale to make money and enter the Time Market in preparation at New York, the Time Owned Market where you make cash results every 24 hours.

How does it enter the T.O.M. The Time Owned Market and how much does the personal ability to trade time cost?

Costs? = 0

How do you get in? = User registration with identity card

Ingredients ? = Amounts of your time you want to sell as transferables containerized merchandise: personalized digital savings (transferable time at the Time Market).


Únique : Google’s Cloud Platform safe evolution by fertilizing digital savings

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It gives people the opportunity to take advantage of a utility beyond cryptocurrencies and CBDC Central Banks Digital Currencies.

Because CBDCs and Cryptocurrencies continue to offer credit and debit registrations while digital savings are digital properties of the respective creator or by him (and only by him) alienable through registration and sale of the contained ancienity of digital savings. Digital savings time on offer and demand in a Time Market. Bid & Ask at T.O.M. The Time Owned Market proposed at New York.

With the development of the Internet, people can create digital savings using a simple application (PSH Personal Savings Helper) for the money datevaluation  uploaded to the mobile phone.

The new economic practice proposed to Google and the Administration of the United States of America to give people the opportunity to keep their money in the liquid phase oriented towards the production of capital gains and with a daily multiplicative capacity (as if it were playing), corresponds to a increase in economic practices, from 3 to 4 in Economy 4G3W. Since the expansion of the 3 well-known - consumption, savings, investment - now extended to 4, be they consumption, savings, investment and datevaluation.

Everything is designed so that you can proceed without ever having to spend anything, without ever having to risk anything because you always maintain the liquidity of your money just using the free BPaaS service consigned to start run on the care of the Google Cloud Platform, to be kept in a liquid phase. in "webcashmatic" mode for results every 24 hours and in "webtaxmatic" conditions for complete freedom.


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