Showing posts with label The US Fed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The US Fed. Show all posts


US FED may study money #datevaluation facility

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Early 2022, US FED could invoques and promotes near the US Congres the regulation to popularize a new social worldwide economic gesture able to produce capital gains in alternative to the investment's risk.

Because, US FED may resolve and pay to the market US debt by giving people the regulated money #datevaluation facility, opening the practice for treatment of time as a commodity. 
WUW The Webcash Universocial Web proposes the technical knowledge that allows people to exploit a personal and self-defined web space where everyone can create digital savings.

The money is decomposed into an asset change from credit/debit to digital property asset using a P.S.H.-Personal Savings Helper application.
The PSH app is used to enable the extraction of elements from the money allocated for accounting purposes in a dynamic flash statement with 7 counters for control, evaluation of value creation and for the management of the creator of digital savings in registered property objects.
The decomposed data are conducted to work by the same internet algorithm of the BPaaS intelligent contract to different multi-clouds:
- alpha-nominative and time-sealed registration data;
- financial production data;
- time data in production and rescue interruptions;
- data from the supervised application of the daily results;
- tax compliance and payment control data.

At USA, there bots for everything : also to get money for your needs and wants.


Delivering the digital currency requires economic disinfection.

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One step at a time to launch a digital currency backed by a group of central banks from which The US Federal Reserve has arrived lately, it is a suitable methodology except in this case the tender of those institutions already currently sufficiently prepared to skip this stage of short horizon and containing infection since its management.

And at least The US Federal Reserve is already an institution that no longer serves the maximum utility that digital currency can achieve precisely because this utility, even maximized, is no longer sufficient and updated for the development of the universal welfare preconized aspired by the US Constitution.
USA can consider an endorsement of this phase and even participate in it, but disguising its control of greater knowledge and power to skip the step of digital currencies and enter directly the medication of the Economy with 3 gestures, introducing the investment substitute and achieving an Economy with 4 gestures extending and enlarging an updated domain for the financial scope of the IoT (Internet of Things) capable of strengthening and winning in the new economic performance to be made available to humanity, giving new economic freedom to each person one by one without further digital intermediation or not.

Yes, The U.S. Federal Reserve decided to join the research group CBDCs (central bank digital currency) as a train car but never as a locomotive.
And it is not a bad thing that US FED is in the group but [The BOJ Bank of Japan, The European Central Bank, The Swiss National Bank, The Bank of England and the Bank for Internationl Settlements], together must understand that the transition on digital currency is short-lived for the causes consisting disinfection needs that were not met during the time of current gestation during pregnancy.

And is the sincerity between Nations, Megamajors and their companies to remain absent and as old-fashioned as our Economy?

Isn't the silence of Silicon Valley's technology telling?

Why was Facebook the only one to eat the bait and get sick?

Fortunately for us, people from around the world have the USA, its Constitution and Google in the technological weighting served to people like Financial Fast Food in the form of BPaaS (Business Process as a Service).

In any case WUW The Webcash Universocial Web is ready for you.

