Showing posts with label cash production. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cash production. Show all posts


What are the benefits of the 4G3W Economy?

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What is the 4G3W Economy? The 4G3W Economy is a proposal to improve the Traditional Economy by computation of money's data-valuation, that gives people the opportunity to take advantage of this new practice for the use of money when choosing an action to search the utility that can satisfy Well-Being, providing an alternative to any of the 3 practices available to date for economic decision-making limited to the results of consumption, of savings and of investment gestures. What are the benefits of the 4G3W Economy?  - For the first time, people can connect money data instantly and benefit to share cash production and obtain the right to share day cash results getting multiplicative capacity ; - For the first time people can connect money data instantly to a market structure to bid & ask of individual economic action time getting capital gains as time go; - For the first time people get an automatic web structure for tax payment of their cash results gaining freedom and social capital ; - For the first time people get helper to digital savings constitution with the ability to reverse at any time and without any cost.  How does the 4G3W Economy work ? Starting to run in 4G3W Economy, individuals, businesses, and society as a whole going in or out the action of the money data-valuation for day cash results using an enlarged skill allowing liberty to reverse into consumption, into tradicional savings or into investment to compound the better economic mix to increase personal performance.

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Monetary Theory of Cash Production

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While there is production for consumption in a non-monetary economy, in monetary 4G3W economy the goal is not consumption but to earn more money with money.


WUW The Webcash Universocial Web : one projected web for the personal creation of digital-savings

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It is in public proposal.
Reserves to become an user (datevalors quality) requires :

- Identity inscription form at the WUW's General Ledger ;
- Acceptation of the smart contract for datevaluation as a BPaaS ;
- Downloading app PSH Personal Savings Helper at Google Play ;
- Trigger on the smart contract by datevaluation actions, on freedom.

All the process is free forever. No fees, no running costs.

The ownership of digital savings objects allows an upgrade of personal economic performances because each creation originates the formation of cash results further than a reversible reserve of cash as savings.

This is the finality of the smart contract achieving the steps for you to share cash production getting the regulated right to reverse, or to stay on production to share random multiplied results on cash, applied each 24 hours.

The cash production is insured by the connection of capital burdens at the Universocial Sovereign Anchor (USAnchor) in draft protocol with FED into ^potential agreement between [USAdministration/Google Alphabet/WUW Authoring].

The execution of the smart contract regulations for daily fixation of random results runs at T.O.M. The Timestock Owned Market using Google Cloud Platform .

The audits, investigations, and inspections are provided by Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) to insure and perfect the basis for WUW's delivery all results on modes webcashmatic and webtaxmatic for individual wellbeing.


How much is the annual production in interest of 1 trilion US $ ?

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What is it divided by 365 days ?

Well, at the rate of 2% if the debtor was safe as it could be the Fed, such production would be 2/100 * 1'000'000'000'000 / 365 = 27'397'260, - US $ every 24 hours.

What should you do to get the right to attend the daily sharing of this cash production generated by the Universocial Sovereign Anchor ?

To share results you have to be owner of at least 1 unit of digital savings. So you have to create one or more Owndated Webquantums connecting plots of 10 € with the USAnchor. Increasing production with at its own dynamics savings recorded in your account web_cash.

This is a part of the mechanical web within the process "linking money by mousephone 4G3W".


Get your plug-to-cash

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Keep your savings_web_dynamic and let it live with you.

Plug-to-cash money is the stream which you create making the new economic practice of the money datevaluation proposed in Economy 4G3W. Because when you launch each 10€ parcel shifting asset from the credit asset of your parcel of bank money into 1 Owndated Webquantum in your ownership registered property communicated by your action on your personal webcashmotor's menu, you create in fact a new and single financial material to run the web soap, linking money-to-money ( your new 10€ parcel linked with a time-stock quantum at U_S_A the Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor) for cash-production-cash-sharing-process.

To connect your plug-money (the money-link) you customize your savings in plots of 10 €uros merging units of bank money, with your name and best time of your webcashmotor THROUGH web. As if charging a cell phone.

No more and you will have 1 plot OW (Owndated Webquantums) for your 10 €uros webmarked custom. And OWs are your financial containers with your savings_web_dynamics in automatic time-control. Since the savings may be customized and made to work in a work universocial money-with-money plugged into your best possible data or your OT (the timestock owned).
Mean and say, money in his date of creation is now shifted in web-dynamic-savings.
Want to say and repeat: saving custom container placed in time-merit-value.
Mean and end: I want my cash, to produce cash and cash daily delivered results.

And so it is clear that your safe driving ability introduces your personal economic performance in highway for wellbeing :

- Personal money in cash savings_web_working and maintained in fresh acces for your needs/wants;
- OW money in property and financial power instead of credit / debit / and 1 rate of interest;
- With money in your webespace worker and force_web_inputed without investment risk.

Now if you'll also be able to say: Now-I-Save-By-Motor. Let me save my friend!

4G3W economics is that, whenever things go for you. On how your cash is cash and cashkeeping it have to produces results.

Simply replace the classic savings mechanism in box-cookies-venture investment bank, to keep for you your bank and financial power at your home.
Go up and forever. Always and always getting webcashmatic cashkeeping capital appreciation.
Even the elderly prefer dynamic-savings. And you?

Mousephone 4G3W will look like :


Linking money by Mousephone 4G3W

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Now with your webcashmotor you know how to link money-to-money for a free datevaluation advantage . This economic action is a new practice allowed by the Webcash_Universocial_Web to perform better and forever your economic life . Because some of your cashbank is now personalized : you-do-mark-your-money just datevaluing it by your webcashmotor.

The first result is the amount of owndated webquantums in your dynamic webcashaccount. Because your webcashmotor is running in the new Economy 4G3W.

So in your datevalors account you use to see the amounts of datevalued bank-money which you put (cashput) prefering webpowered plusvalues in cash phasis and others economic datevaluation benefits better than you prefer the investment of the same amount in the old classic economic mode.

The datevaluation is the first investment's substitute to perform your economic life. Because on it you roll cashkeeping at no risk.

As an introduced datevalors you-do-mark-your-money because you nominate a part of a webspaced property by cashputting money in webcashfishing position. And you webfish results. Just cash results. You cashput because you cashcall-more-cash.
Tagvaporated results, webreturned for your own economics resources. And your-economic-life-go-up for ever.

As not allowed in the Classic Economy, the datevaluation appears to be the first investment's substitute and by this door you enter in your new economic space in the Economy 4G3W. You do it in social mode WUW2 or wuw2.0.
You putcashbank and to callcashbank soon by Mousephone latter by Biophone. Because now you prefer datevaluation then you need savings, you never know what you need, is the life.
Happening in or out a webmoney and webpowered production position (your dynamic webcashspaced) this is your webcounted personal property. Because you keep the right to revolve at any moment in order to convert the webmoney position in cash bankmoney.
In webwork position your account is webcash living and webmatic displayed to webcashfish the free production factors related with increasing value oportunities.

It happens in Cash Link Opportunity [CLO], the linking money protocol. Like another kind of RSS in our World Wide Web .

Visado por Angellore
