Showing posts with label cash-from-cash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cash-from-cash. Show all posts


The money-guts data processing

buzz this
Does the money body nature have guts or other anatomic elements ?
May such things be useful worked by processing it data ?
May the money data processing generate cash output added value from cash and over cash ?

Triple Yes, my dear researcher.
And the result may be offered to folks in mode of BPaaS-Business Process as a Service giving them a free opportunity to make cash-from-cash, supressing investment risk.
Because #datevaluation is a #cashkeeping practice.

There is an app for ? 
What's the price to download ?
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And what about the cash results and it distribution ?
Does the app has some advantage else for my better performances ? 

Everything is 100% free. Because the money data valuation (#datevaluation) is for everybody. As a public resource.

Ask Google for your free cash generator. Because it's #googledepending in a free use of multi-cloud service. All by your identity inscription at the ledger of WUW The Webcash Universocial Web.


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