Showing posts with label #data-valuation advantages. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #data-valuation advantages. Show all posts


Do you have to impregnate the Fed's US fiat dollar?

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Do you have to impregnate the Fed's US fiat dollar?

Yes, you have to achieve it for digital dollar creation and launch upgrading the CBDC project. Because CBDC is not a solution for inflation neither for liabilities of Central Banks.

Acting with the money data-valuation by your Personal Savings Helper a t your Do-G-Phone you get satisfaction by internet highway, starting and growing on Economy 4G3W (whole workable wealth and resources processables with Fed's US digital dollar conduct by Google Dynamics Cloud Infrastructure in #googledepending phase).


Concepts for US CBDC

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The technologic problem of the creation of the US CBDC is a false question.

The problem was the conception but now it is understable that:
For people the liberty to be able to shift the asset of the US dollars into the personalized asset of the US digital dollars, brings the opportunity to make digital savings containing in it substance all the set of money’s utilities : monetary part, financial part, spiritual part and taxmatic part. So the US Fed’s CBDC got people’s preference and the US digital dollar succed sucession of US dollar.

So the design proposed to FED requires W3C’ and Google’ wills. Both working for people welfare.

And this sentence resolve all the design because it clarify that the US CBDC has to take origin on people’s needs and wants. To satisfy persons. All persons, not some.

So the design proposed to FED requires W3C’ and Google wills for the creation of a web cash for economic upgrade introducing the practice of the money data-valuation.

At WUW The Webcash Universocial Web we are proposing to Google and the United States Administration through the Fed, the launch of the United States CBDC using a simple design that manages to merge time as a commodity in the US dollar turning it into digital saving.
Giving people the ability to exchange money into a personalized asset in the form of a cash-producing cell anchored at The Fed = would become the US Federal Reserve’s CBDC.

Then at T.O.M. The Time Owned Market all webcashmatic results are distributed every day at 12:00, under TIGTA inspection.


4. How might a U.S. CBDC affect the Federal Reserve’s ability to effectively implement monetary policy in the pursuit of its maximum-employment and price-stability goals?

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4. How might a U.S. CBDC affect the Federal Reserve’s ability to effectively implement monetary policy in the pursuit of its maximum-employment and price-stability goals?

Filipe's answer :

The launch of US CBDC designed as "...a digital liability of the Federal Reserve that is widely available to the general public" could affect the Federal Reserve's ability in the pursuit of its maximum-employement and price-stabilitty goals. 

Because such CBDC would not be USA genetic but one more CBDC and would lack not only of an underlying asset pool as the others even not so important for United States of America and it futur digital dollar but moreover it lacks of an underlying construction to enable folks on ability for wealth creation and extraction from the virgin space self dimensionable with UUS$$ and a fixed interest rate for the cash production to be shared to get rights to share cash results every 24 hours.
Estas lacunas evendenciam dúvidas sobre todas as cryptos and less but also sobre all CBDCs as it's coming before me.

In my proposed design of FED's UUS$$ for United States of America the "digital liability" would be "FED's disponibility of economic spaces for anidation of central bank money in web dynamics production" creating conditions to generate a stream of money now again towards the FED !!! and to rearrange the Universocial Economy.

Now the Federal Reserve’s ability to effectively implement monetary policy in the pursuit of its maximum-employment and price-stability goals, could be better performable with the introduction of the Fed's U.S. CBDC in reason the dynamic exudation of new smart tools contained on it substancial nature and generators factors for quantitave issuance.

On my design, Fed (if not before, a Fed's onecompetitor ) might create a monetary-financial magnet  in form of an unit (a factory) of interest production from US$ 1Trillion cash accumulative by the persons who could be interested to share on that production (linking money), against [guaranted cash results distributed every day, + the  hopes with day capacity to multiply + certainity of capital gains as the time go]. 
Giving folks the right of revert it action of money data-valuation gesture. The thing substantiate and motivate as in any case, personalized digital savings guaranted by The Fed.
The sketch of the US CBDC design pleases but seems unrealizable.

The fact is that US Fed can achieve the launch of the US CBDC, the digital dollar with unique and exclusive virtues. 
The American CBDC shall be unreachable for the competent on the present and on the future, because designed and defended for universocial well being.

Nota Bene : on the WUW's algorithm the initial capital of 1T US$ to constitue The Universocial Sovereign Anchor is designed as coming from Fed ( may be with anidation or accounted as active or as passive at US Treasury) contains an irrevocable obligation to phase out to zero. From zero, The Fed becomes free of that obligation and can decides about the opportunity to use it own PSH-Personal Sav


19. Should a CBDC be designed to maximize ease of use and acceptance at the point of sale? If so, how?

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Filipe's answer :

The app PSH to run the practice of the money data-valuation with finalization of the Personal Business as a Service for the creation of personalized digital savings in web dynamics using authorize spaces of USA FED for issuance of UUS$$ digital objects dollars is offered for free by WUW in agreement with Google and USA FED.

Requirements : Inscription of Identity at the WUW's General Ledger and wil to shift from the two kinds of the US Central Bank money in the third form which is a set of digital objects with legal tender.

The US CBDC is designed maximizing ease of use (app at do-g-phone) and acceptance (dynamic savings with 4 both utilities : monetary, financial, freedom, taxmatic) at the point of inscription for data-valuation ability. So in the proposed design (see hereby schematic design doc.) we would have:

1. Registration of the identity, in the WUW's Ledger;
2. Delivery of the code for downloading the Android app P.S.H.-Personal Savings Helper with algorithm for the money data-valuation ;
3. Every time the user wants to create 1 UUS$$ for his P.S.H. requests 1 authorization code for the occupation of 1 space in Universocial Sovereign Anchor workforce production device and source of US CBDCs currency (entry control to the production of the assigned monetary load and simultaneously saved in digital property);
4. After the authorization of the FED (as 3.) the WUW registers the
singular property (1 name of creator - PSH & codes , 1 @timestamp, 1 O.W.-owndated webquantum= US$ 10,-) and a OW=digital savings starts production and BID presence at the Time Owned Market intending cash results every 24 hours at 12:00 and it is disposed for ASK getting capital gain ;
5. By TIGTA inspection the "webtaxmatic" function is conduct and achieved at the moment of every "webcashmatic result" payment by the service of Google Cloud Platform paid by agreement with WUW The Webcash Universocial Web insuring 100% free costs for the person data- valuator.

Transactions would be registered by titularity endorsement at WUW with origin at T.O.M.-The Time Owned Market.


Why a quantum algorithm to work the 4 parts of the money

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Because money is a representation of value and the use you make of it depends on your better or worse, your greater or lesser economic performance: then squeezing all the elements of money to maximize your resource to suit the economic situation and dynamics became the objective of the so-called data-valuation practice, #datevaluation or linking money-to-money for much-more-money as the first investment substitute but riskfree.

Yes, because without the algorithm for the proper treatment and without the link to the composition and calculation power of the Google Cloud Platform itself, with the availability of indispensable quantum computing in terms of understanding the path of on-line evolution, it would not be within people's reach resolve the 4 parts of the money (monetary, financial, spiritual and taxmatic freedom) to one's own advantages.
In fact, without the power of quantum calculation on the one hand and adding other powers of calculation and treatment of individualized compounds that can be sincronized by Google Cloud and without the data-valuation algorithm of money on the other hand, neither to the USA FED It is possible to solve with rigor the fixing of the interest rate and the need for parametric anticipation as fertilizers on the right path to Universe Welfare.

For you, for folks and for me too, the whole advantage is the juice #webcashmatic every 24 hours with #webcashmatic freedom. Just you have to create your personalized digital savings by Do-G-Phone #googledepending speaking to T.O.M. The Time Owned Market to you make capital gains if you like to sell time contained into your personalized savings.


Management of money as a composite of 4 processable parts

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How sum the 4 advantages of your processable money ? 

Thinking of money as a multipliable day wealth source

Your PSH app propells your economic performance guided by your personal Business Process running #googledepending cloud & quantic service to extract cash & happiness from all 4 parts of your digital savings.

Your datevaluation activity is accounted in dynamic counters which set on flash of instant position may the shape basis for your free management.

All units of O.Webquantums are connected to the USAnchor The Universocial Sovereign Anchor going to share cash production and so got the right to share cash results as WUW's algorithm.


The use of datevaluation gives birth financial phones with webcashmatic results coming from gmail cashmatic plug-in ?

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It is quite possible, yes.

The developments and advantages that the practice of datevaluation drags, you to imagine them yourself.

The money datevaluation action is a practice that produces capital gains in liquid phase and a daily multiplicative capacity, all resulting in the least benefit of motor-for-saving, at least and without ever taking the minimum risk.

Therefore, its action always takes place in liquid phase. So you can always go back to your starting point and meet unexpected needs with what you have created and resistered as financial-time properties O.W.s at WUW The Webcash.
Datevalution is practiced by initially using the "Personal WebCashmotor Simulator" virtual app. To make contact, to approximate the understanding of the applied smart contract and to learn the daily distribution of the cash results. The "shift asset", the fase "cashkeeping", the "webcashaccount and it 7 counters", the mode "webcashmatic" and the mode "webtaxmatic".How the cash results happen and how they apply.

The amounts are virtual and do not produce the actual result to meet the satisfaction of your needs and wants.To do this, when the person decides to feel the real effect of the money valuation, then he downloads the "Personal Saving Helper" app whose download code has already received along with the simulator app and just go to the Google Play Store and download. It's free as it all is, both at WUW and at Google S. (We omit the costs of T.O.M. The Time Owned Market, but that's useful later, when you make transactions when you already have enough knowledge.)

Now, do these two apps work on a "personal-financial-phone"?
Yes we also wanted to give you this brand new codename Do-G-Mousephone 4G3W.
It will be a subject for the pregnant cow of Google. Maybe she'd rather give birth first to a "plug-in-cash" for Gmail singularization. And...
Remember also by same author


Money-to-money links generating free cash

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The finantial recipe Gool-Bama-Cash or the free practice for linking money-to-money by the datevaluation of 10€uros parcels is the solution to increase your free cash production.
Just you have to cashput 1 parcel and you are linked to the cash stream.
Because you go to share cash-production in cashkeeping mode to share multiplied daily cash results.
