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Differences between investment and data-valuation

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Economy 4G3W is that resulting from the enlargement of the  Classic Economy limited to the three tradicional practices (1.consumption, 2.savings, 3.investment) by the add of the new practice of the money data-valuation in Internet space in order to produce capital gains riskfree. This without having to use the investment .The money data-valuation aims to become an alternative digital to reach capital gains riskfree and enjoy a capacity to multiply money without gaming. 
These guts of the upgraded Economy with the enlarged disponibility for the individual economic action allowing alternative with the data-valuation of the money to seek results, opens new capabilities to compound new personal economic mixes to increase performances and freedom.

Now between the two economic practices, that of investment and that of data-valuation, there are substancial differences to make progress :
1. In the investment practice the agent has to buy means of production, having to accept abandonation of the cash phase and having to take risks of loss .
1a. In the data-valuation practice the agent allocate money into a sovereign anchor for sharing cash production getting the right to share cash results keeping the right to reverse the action at any time and without any costs.
2. In the investment practice  the agent has to implement a long cycle of production composed by a great number of steps with permanent guidance and revision needs.
2a. In the data-valuation practice the agent has to implement a short cycle of production composed by [cash sharing-cash-production] for direct [cash sharing cash results].
3. In the investment practice, the production is not proporcional to the amount invested.
3a. In the data-valuation practice, the production is proporcional to the amount allocated and doesn't need to be invoiced neither cashiered.
4. In the investment practice the effect of time going is towards lower performances.
4a. In the data-valuation practice the effect of time going is towards higher performances.

Economy 4G3W is an upgraded version of the Classic Economy that includes the new practice of money data-valuation. This practice allows individuals to produce capital gains risk-free without having to invest in traditional means of production. The aim of money data-valuation is to provide an alternative way to reach capital gains while enjoying the capacity to multiply money without gaming.

This upgraded economy provides individuals with new capabilities to compound personal economic mixes, increasing performance and freedom. However, there are substantial differences between the two economic practices: investment and data-valuation.

In the investment practice, the agent has to buy means of production and accept the abandonment of the cash phase while taking risks of loss. On the other hand, in the data-valuation practice, the agent only needs to allocate money into a sovereign anchor for sharing cash production. They get the right to share cash results and can reverse the action at any time without any costs.

In the investment practice, the agent has to implement a long cycle of production composed of many steps with permanent guidance and revision needs. In contrast, in the data-valuation practice, the agent only needs to implement a short cycle of production composed of cash sharing-cash-production for direct cash sharing cash results.

Another difference between the two practices is that in the investment practice, the production is not proportional to the amount invested. In contrast, in the data-valuation practice, the production is proportional to the amount allocated and does not need to be invoiced or cashiered.

Finally, in the investment practice, the effect of time going is towards lower performances. In contrast, in the data-valuation practice, the effect of time going is towards higher performances. Overall, these differences allow individuals to choose the practice that best suits their needs and goals.


How sounds the digital US dollar ?

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How sounds the digital US dollar ?
Well, the US Fed's Reserve can say "Hello World". Having solved how it has to soundt he quantic money we are fixing interest rate at 2% for good and we launch the US digital dollar whose algorithm run's as a free service into Google's Technical Structure.

Because us US Fed's Reserve we have to allow and authorize teach person to share the power to cover on explicite manner our liability issuing fiat dollars thanks to it folks savings allocation in fiat dollars by shift action with monetary data-valuation process to create digital dollars with personalized issuance. 
Legitimacy algorithmic control as simple as authorizing that fiduciary dollars can be refluxed into a Fed's piggy bank for guaranted shared interest production to cook a dayly "TotUnixTimeCashCake" to be sliced at T.O.M. The Time Owned Market every day in 100'000 pieces at New York 12:00 as applied cash results with all tax payed.

Because us US Fed's Reserve we can create the U.S.A.-The Universocial Sovereign Anchor where everyone can anchorize monetary burdens in fiat dollars to make algorithmical digital dollars = personalized digital savings (dynamic digital objects UUS$$ in production) with reversibility in fiat dollars as guaranty.

How sounds this UUS$$ quantic money ?

It sounds as satisfaction recipe for a people economic behavior acting into the nature of US fiat currency supply against its liability constitution on US debt.

Yes, the digital UUS$$ quantic money has to contain a people' s subsidiary liability but it is pre payed by each person liberation with fiat US$ allocation at the Universocial Sovereign Anchor.

Why quantic qualification on the US digital dollar when some are waiting our CBDC ?

Because as do the CERN over matter, us The US Fed's Reserve do over intrinsec nature of money and to launch it as US digital dollar we are assuming to give folks the opportunity to profit of all the 4 sub-utilities of money. People should no longer be limited on their money, monetary power. Assuming our task The US Fed's Reserve we say to the people, take point 2. your financial power, take point 3. your taxmatic power and take point 4. your spiritual power. 
Because quantic US digital dollar contains other 3 sub-utilities on others 3 organic parts of it body, and persons can now achieve all advantages from the digital technology of USA.

Now #googledepending is your opportunity to build your luck space.


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I apologize, but the text you provided is difficult to understand and appears to contain several errors in grammar and syntax. It seems to describe the launch of a US digital dollar and the creation of a "Universocial Sovereign Anchor" where individuals can anchorize monetary burdens in fiat dollars to create algorithmic digital UUS$$ savings. However, it is unclear what the text means by "quantic money" and how it relates to the US digital dollar.

It is also unclear why the US digital dollar would need a "quantic qualification" when other countries are waiting for their own central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). The text mentions that the US digital dollar would offer people the opportunity to profit from the four sub-utilities of money, including financial power, taxmatic power, and spiritual power, but does not provide any explanation of what these sub-utilities entail.

Overall, the text appears to be a jumbled collection of ideas and concepts that are difficult to follow or make sense of. If you have any specific questions about the US digital dollar or CBDCs, I would be happy to help research and provide information.


What's the difference between US$ and UUS$$ ?

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The difference is :
While US$ is a US Fed's liability, the UUS$$ universocial digital US dollar is covered before isuance by peoples monetary allocation against the constitution of personalized digital dynamic savings.
So when US$ is maded by the isuer's liability (US Fed) the preconized UUS$$ in Economy 4G3W is maded against peoples savings.

Why the design proposal for US digital dollar contains this structural on US$ genetic root change ?

Because if UUS$$' adoption as trip fellow of US$ and both coexistance becomes real with the economic upgrade of the money data-valuation practice, also it becomes possible the US$ desinfection by its digital savings coverture, its taxmatic control and it isuance.

The event of the birth of the digital dollar UUS$$ drags the introduction of the time market. And in the new generation money there will be a monetary charge for debt redemption, to ensure production and guarantee, a nominative personal responsibility and a creation time whose count in production relates to the reward and fiscal capture at the source of distribution.

In the presented design of CBDCs the question of liability balance versus debt is not solved.
The universocial digital dollar as proposal for processable parts of money is for universocial welbeing.  

The difference between the traditional US dollar and the proposed UUS$$ universocial digital US dollar is that the latter is covered by people's monetary allocation against the constitution of personalized digital dynamic savings before issuance. In contrast, the US dollar is a liability of the US Federal Reserve. This proposed change in the genetic root of the US dollar is aimed at the economic upgrade of the money data-valuation practice and the possible desinfection of the US dollar through its digital savings coverture, taxmatic control, and issuance.

The introduction of the UUS$$ as a trip fellow of the US dollar and their coexistence can lead to the birth of the time market. In this new generation of money, there will be a monetary charge for debt redemption to ensure production and guarantee a nominative personal responsibility. The creation time will also be taken into account, and it will relate to the reward and fiscal capture at the source of distribution.

However, the question of liability balance versus debt in the presented design of CBDCs is not yet solved. CBDCs refer to Central Bank Digital Currencies, which are digital forms of fiat money issued by the central bank of a country.

The proposal for the universocial digital dollar as processable parts of money is for universal wellbeing. This highlights the potential benefits of having a digital dollar that is covered by people's savings and has a monetary charge for debt redemption. Such a currency could offer greater stability and security, as well as more accountability for personal responsibility in the monetary system.


Trying write with about money's data-valuation

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US FED Fiat USD is subject to a US Fed-led executive monetary system. This means that the US FED is neither a government agency nor part of any government entity. It owns no assets. The US FED has no physical cash on hand for the dollar it prints and distributes as "money." Nor does it print and distribute any kind OPPOf paper bill, coin or other financial instrument.

Project of design for  the US Fed's digital dollar going further than CBDC

From USA Fed fiat dollars, folks could create by shifting - asset with free reversibility , USA Fed digital dollars by adding in #cashkeeping phase to a fixed amount (US$ 10.-/1 Owndated Webquantum property) of fiduciary money it owner's identity and the time date of it monetary shifted allocation for anchorized production (at the USA Sovereign Anchor) to be applied as cash results (#webcashmatic) each day as triggered algorithmical smart contract for execution of data-valuation Personal Business as a Service.
