Showing posts with label economic freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label economic freedom. Show all posts


The baptism of our money

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B@ptism of our money

It was necessary to discover an environment where Man could overcome the hesitation and error around the classic dilem: save or invest.
Essentially, because the act of consuming is often an absolute constraint.

As the classic gestures were not reconcilable, it was necessary to be able to propose a gesture to make possible a practice adapted to the satisfaction of the three economic motivations at the same time. Without that in order to gain an advantage you would have to give up the other two, as it is in front of the trileme imposed by the Classical Economy in our tense days.

The new economic counterpart of the money datevaluation is of the "fast-food-4G3W" type. This by providing a sandwich result of savings, investment and of the pleasure of living without_financial_risks. Because the shelter of "cashkeeping phase" to act is the security of the recourse to the liquidity necessary to face the unforeseen.

Within the resulting Economy, there should not be the obligation of choice: either the cup, or the coffee, or the sugar.
Yes in Economy 4G3W the coffee is in the cup and fine to your taste. Everything is ready there.

The gesture that must be able to be a substitute for investment is only waiting for its baptism on The Universal Market. 

Gesture of "datevaluation" ?  Inserting time into the money ?

On your WUW's self_marqued_space there is a special economic action to resolve your cash needs. 

In fact at the moment the pre_beta availability is presented exclusively on the WUW The Webcash Universocial Web. By moving towards the Universocial Cash Economy. Waiting USAdministration and Google/Alphabet to give people a One-click-app to better perform for life.
And for you the use of the investment substitute is automatised by a WUW's smart contract on a Business Process as a Service seated trought Google Cloud Platform. All served for free in webcashmatic extraction over your digital savings creations and webtaxmatic treatment in protection of your economic freedom.

Because datevaluation realizes the economic agent, because each person finds his account:

A. Reconciliation as to the satisfaction of personal economic motivations;
B. Increase in personal performance in terms of the nature and volume of the result.

And this is because:

The action of datevaluing each US$ 10.- gives a triple result:

First: maintein of US$ 10.- 100% available 24/7, on the personal savings field ;
Second: US$ 10.- in ownership of 1 dynamic unit of factors of production that generate added value;
Tercio: US$ 10.- in cell multiplication capacity,  for hope and utility on pleasure of life which guarantees peace and relaxation.


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