Showing posts with label #gcp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #gcp. Show all posts


Using the production of interest to reduce the interest rate, can it be the solution to exterminate inflation?

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Yes, this is the solution presented with the proposal to practice the data-valuation of money following the Webcash algorithm presented to the US Fed suggesting design and the substance for the body of the expected US digital dollar.

It's about giving people the opportunity to save with 1 click shifting the current dollar asset into a digital dollar in registered property asset.

For each person, valuing the US dollar data is equivalent to adding the monetary utility, the financial utility, the tax freedom utility, and the spiritual peace utility. All in a free webmatic operation with the personalized creation of the digital US dollar.
Any individual or legal entity downloads the PSH-Personal Savings Helper application and puts the Webcash algorithm to work to multiply money, conducting it Personal Business Process as a Service on the Google Cloud Platform pipelines within US Federal Reserve standards.


16. Should the amount of CBDC held by a single end-user be subject to quantity limits?

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Filipe's answer :

No limits in my construction of US CBDC the processable UUS$$ digital.

Everybody may shift the asset from currency or banks balances at Central Bank of United States of America into Universocial US Dollar Digital Object , becoming owner and go back at any time without any cost or risk of loss.

In fact "this everybody" is to be refered at all persons with identity registered at the WUW Ledger by filling form unique condition for using the money data-valuation ability in form of personalized BPaaS through the app PSH-Personal Savings Helper.  Being the PSH personalized ability for creation of  digital savings objects through Fed's gate operational requirement of legal tender authorization for the monetary burden (US$ 10.- /each 1 O.W. digital savings object) allocation with creation of 1 unit of UUS$$. This shifting asset operation is goes on and follow to be computed by Google's Technical Cloud Service operating simoultaineosly at Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor, at WUW The Webcash,at TIGTA-Inspection  and at T.O.M. The Time Owned Market.

Note & execution requirement of WUW's algorithm : The US Fed is invited for the kickoff creation of the Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor by allocation of a monetary financial magnet of 1 US$ trillion (US$ 1'000'000'000'000.-) on 100'000'000'000 Owndated Webquantums digital objects being UUS$$ 100'000'000'000.-:
1. Limitation is for Fed with agreed obligation of gradual unloading and recovering the used support in function of temporary magnet with decreasing force of attraction until neutralization ;
2. When US Fed recover all it kickoff support, The Fed and all admnistration also, get freedom for using data-valuation on the conditions offered to everybody.


To prop up the market need an investment substitute

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It was the 27th last December we write about instruments that lacks to The President of USA and to the Chaiman of FED.

Because the tasks imposed to these two men are missing better goals because the Classic Economy don't offer an investment substitute to resolve with enlarged solutions.

The very serious Market Watch has published last 5th January the follow :

The Federal Reserve is propping up the market — and here’s the evidence

What's and where is the problem ?

The problem is that folks are understanding economic questions much more better than "big heads" could raise. And common truffed things sounds like the exhauts valves of a steam locomotive. It lacks harmonious, advicing proximity of the weakness.

Now, who can gives the "#webtaxmatic" to Donald Trump and the "#webcashmatic" to Jerome Powell ?

Google, yeah ! 

Look, what's the relation ?

Well, algorithms. Search engine. Spaces. Spaces to make. Capital gains. Infinite capital gains. Web_marqued_spaces: Personalized_digital_savings. Search engine for your money. Search engine for my money. Oh...oh. Apples are apples. And the Google's pregnant cow can give the birth to the one-click-motor-for-savings.  In hardware. And in software the goo_ money's search engine. Infrastucture is enought prepared : gcp for good. Let's land.


How is your cash cake cooking ?

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Your financial cake have to be cooked every day. Because the datevaluation results have to be applied every day at 12:00 at The Timestock Owned Market and datevalors eat 80% of the day total cash cake .

Yes 80% of the "TotUnixTimeCashCake", about 27,000,000.-US$, have to be applied onto 10.000 "owndated webquantums" on 10,000 diferents amounts results slices.

Other 10% of the "TotUnixTimeCashCake", about 3,500,000.- US$, have to be applied for Google Cloud Platform infrastructure and general run costs payements.

Last 10% of the "TotUnixTimeCashCake", about 3,500,000.- US$, have to be applied for WUW The Webcash Universocial Web , copyrights and research,  4G3W team royalties.

All applied cash results [80 + 10 + 10] = 100% are a new datevaluation TAX BASE for America First (USAdmin).

80 % of all results applied for datevalors properties are paied on modes "webcashmatic" and "webtaxmatic". Automatic payment of the rate is expected to be no more than 20%.

Other [10%+10%] are paied on mode "webcashmatic". Automatic payment of the rate is on independent tax treatment. USAdmin may consider different criteria for datevaluation launchers.


Money's guts perception are essential for economic succès

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True ?

Sure yes .

In Classic Economy in any case. Because you have to explore and get the perception of money's useful limits on each of yours decisions over your money's desteny (consumption, savings or investment).

Some persons are experts on money treatments. For them guts on the money are so readables as drive panels at the road. For them interdictions crossing are out of their practices.

People have the perception of the money's guts, having the feel that in money like in human body guts are essential an organ system within which takes in food, digests it to extract and absorb energy and nutrients, and expels the remaining waste as feces.

Sure yes. But where is the expertise ? Folks cry : How may I do it ?

#datevaluation is for folks use ; because it's #webcashmatic and #webtaxmatic, giving hopes to go up for ever.
