The substitute for money investment is also the substitute for gambling

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The fact is that datevaluation (name of the investment's substitute) is to put a double-effect over money  to call much-more-money on a triple advantage.

For people, the results of the money datevaluation practice, appear with capital gains, with daily multiplicative capacity and as a growing performance generator in strength to save.

It requires little from people thanks to the Personal Savings Helper application, that is 1 free one-click-engine-for-savings and  composte with web automatisms for results of dual nature and triple economic advantage when used to create digital financial registered properties, which are called "owndated webquantums" by shifting analogic US$ 10.- by act adding a "timestamp" on a digital financial burden property with reversible mode insuring the "cashkeeping" phase as guarant of non risk activity.

WUW The Webcash Universocial Web is able to distribute money as a gambling substitute, because that money comes as a result of an organized cash production with registered personalized time factor.

Into datevaluation economic actions 4G3W there are no money bets to make some  multiply receiving a part of all the bets. 
Here the application of daily results is made using random yes to qualify 10 thounsands financial quantums properties catching cash multiplied effects, then the final cash result is fixed  1 by 1 using the registered creation seniority and "webcashmatic" distributed to each owner . Older digital savings get more money than younger on the 10.000 qualified set of Owndated Webquantums.
Into datevaluation economic actions the smart contract automatic execution is refered to the person and to its creations, is refered to the time of action as an accounted "timestock counter" and refered to an algorithm defining rights for cash remuneration even when it stays into adquired capacity of money multiplicator without investment risk or gambling losses, just allied and disposed in a time market for eventual but always personal assignement,  producing capital gain by endorsement.

One personal requirement for a double-acting practice with a triple advantage. 
To feel and act for profit with an investment substitute and with a gambling substitute. 
1. Geting capacity to multiply money every day at 12:00 ;
2. Geting the invigorating app to save money and the power to reverse in accounted digital savings ;
3. Geting ability to deal in time-market with capital gains riskfree.
By registering at WUW with the identity of the qualification of the new subject "datevalors" beneficiary of the smart contract for free use of the money valuation by internet timestamp of shifted asset.

It is a unique registration or registration at WUW's Ledger to access the new economic space for personalized action "self-marked-webspace" granted free by WUW, only once and to a single person (physical or legal) for the free exercise of practice of data valuation of money and with an intelligent contract and to act and receive the results in cash money, in the "webcashmatic" and "webtaxmatic" modes in complete freedom and without risks or costs.

As "datevalors" you can now download the Personal Savings Helper (P.S.H.) application by entering the code received from WUW at Google Play.
The download makes the icon appear on your screen to excite you when you want to give orders to act in the 4G3W Economy.

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