Cycle zero or positif in digital time exchange business

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The money datevaluation practice give the bird to "owndated webquantums" which are digital properties or dynamic digital savings, personalized digital objects.

Datevalors creators, in independence of automatic results in #webcashmatic and #webtaxmatic modes, have the right and the utility to deal the time contained into their "O.W.s"being the opportunity to drive and make "capital gains" in the T.O.M. The Timestock-Owned-Market.

Would you like to get the property and the benefits of digital savings constitued at a past date ?
Go to the TOM and market : the ownership endorsement is guaranted by WUW's at TOM.

For datevalors the time business has a cycle from zero growing positif, more and more,

Another thing is the possibilities of speculation around the time and other attributes contained on "O.W.s" created by other persons-datevalors and which endorsement is now at your name because you have buy it paying an agreed price for the time-savings-brand of a singular "O.W.".

The refered economic cycle zero or positif has its roots in the cash money stage #cashkeeping :

Cashkeeping is a cash money stage  when it is  disposed to be putted or disposed to be called, into the creation effects or from the emptyings effects over of a digital property  when the  datevalors agent economic prepare one shift of the asset .

Also, "cashkeeping" is a cash money stage  when it is in mutation from credit-debit asset into a digital object asset.  

Because the digital property being digital savings properties, created by datevaluation, the creator-owner has the right to provoke the initial stade before the mutation, mutating again the property-asset into the credit-debit asset and  restart with double effect :
-the digital property becames empty of financial charge breaking the creator link on the ledger registration ;
- the owner cash same amount he had datevalued on the digital creation.

Please ask Google and the USAdmin to launch "datevaluation" giving folks a PSHelper.

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