Showing posts with label datevaluation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label datevaluation. Show all posts


The baptism of our money

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B@ptism of our money

It was necessary to discover an environment where Man could overcome the hesitation and error around the classic dilem: save or invest.
Essentially, because the act of consuming is often an absolute constraint.

As the classic gestures were not reconcilable, it was necessary to be able to propose a gesture to make possible a practice adapted to the satisfaction of the three economic motivations at the same time. Without that in order to gain an advantage you would have to give up the other two, as it is in front of the trileme imposed by the Classical Economy in our tense days.

The new economic counterpart of the money datevaluation is of the "fast-food-4G3W" type. This by providing a sandwich result of savings, investment and of the pleasure of living without_financial_risks. Because the shelter of "cashkeeping phase" to act is the security of the recourse to the liquidity necessary to face the unforeseen.

Within the resulting Economy, there should not be the obligation of choice: either the cup, or the coffee, or the sugar.
Yes in Economy 4G3W the coffee is in the cup and fine to your taste. Everything is ready there.

The gesture that must be able to be a substitute for investment is only waiting for its baptism on The Universal Market. 

Gesture of "datevaluation" ?  Inserting time into the money ?

On your WUW's self_marqued_space there is a special economic action to resolve your cash needs. 

In fact at the moment the pre_beta availability is presented exclusively on the WUW The Webcash Universocial Web. By moving towards the Universocial Cash Economy. Waiting USAdministration and Google/Alphabet to give people a One-click-app to better perform for life.
And for you the use of the investment substitute is automatised by a WUW's smart contract on a Business Process as a Service seated trought Google Cloud Platform. All served for free in webcashmatic extraction over your digital savings creations and webtaxmatic treatment in protection of your economic freedom.

Because datevaluation realizes the economic agent, because each person finds his account:

A. Reconciliation as to the satisfaction of personal economic motivations;
B. Increase in personal performance in terms of the nature and volume of the result.

And this is because:

The action of datevaluing each US$ 10.- gives a triple result:

First: maintein of US$ 10.- 100% available 24/7, on the personal savings field ;
Second: US$ 10.- in ownership of 1 dynamic unit of factors of production that generate added value;
Tercio: US$ 10.- in cell multiplication capacity,  for hope and utility on pleasure of life which guarantees peace and relaxation.


Webtaxmatic mode of datevaluation allows to pay US debt

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Datevaluation is an investment substitute and a new economic practice proposed to give folks a Personal Savings Helper in app form and free downloadable at Google Play Store (as soon as posible).

By datevaluation you can to shift the asset of cash parcels of US$ 10.- in digital savings properties in
order to get "webcashmatic" cash results applied every 24 hours at 12:00 New York local time at the predictible TOM The Time Owned Market.

See the unique benefits that your PSH provides:
  1. act cash and keep your cash cash while it works to produce capital gains and multiplier capacity that can be achieved daily;
  2. obtain a Business Process as a Service, without paying a jeep and out of any risk;
  3. come and extract wealth freely in a virgin economic space that you mark in your own way.
You just create your digital savings with the help of your Personal Savings Helper, and then everything happens in the cash phase and in the following modes:
  • registered properties of personalized digital savings containing time as a good in a market ;
  • webcashmatic mode that delivers cash results over the network;
  • webtaxmatic mode that deals with taxes for you to enjoy in freedom.
Collaterally WUW The Webcash Universocial Web pay US debt by applliance of the webtaxmatic function, against the creation work of regulations and imposition agreement over the new source of tax base.


Your internet space investment substitute

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For your economic performance and to go up forever create and let live digital objects by datevaluation.
And remmember we need new source of tax base to solve USA debt. 


WUW The Webcash Universocial Web : one projected web for the personal creation of digital-savings

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It is in public proposal.
Reserves to become an user (datevalors quality) requires :

- Identity inscription form at the WUW's General Ledger ;
- Acceptation of the smart contract for datevaluation as a BPaaS ;
- Downloading app PSH Personal Savings Helper at Google Play ;
- Trigger on the smart contract by datevaluation actions, on freedom.

All the process is free forever. No fees, no running costs.

The ownership of digital savings objects allows an upgrade of personal economic performances because each creation originates the formation of cash results further than a reversible reserve of cash as savings.

This is the finality of the smart contract achieving the steps for you to share cash production getting the regulated right to reverse, or to stay on production to share random multiplied results on cash, applied each 24 hours.

The cash production is insured by the connection of capital burdens at the Universocial Sovereign Anchor (USAnchor) in draft protocol with FED into ^potential agreement between [USAdministration/Google Alphabet/WUW Authoring].

The execution of the smart contract regulations for daily fixation of random results runs at T.O.M. The Timestock Owned Market using Google Cloud Platform .

The audits, investigations, and inspections are provided by Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) to insure and perfect the basis for WUW's delivery all results on modes webcashmatic and webtaxmatic for individual wellbeing.


WUW The Webcash Universocial Web at Spreadsheet

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On seeking for collaborators against a slice of my copyrights on the discovery of the money datevaluation as the fourth economic practice as a new economic option for people to convert/revert money into digital savings earning cash results and capital gains which generate new forces to save more and more, I'll publish hereby the drafts of my spreasheets on order to try the creation of the smart app PSH Personal Savings Helper. Welcome aboard !

To get the free app PSH, people have to reserve the BPaaS (Business Process as a Service) product owned by WUW The Webcash Universocial Web which distribution and running on 100% free forever.

Entered into for intenting start app creation


When do you put production factors internet into your money ?

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Yes because Internet gives you the freedom to make better economic actions. Yes you can use Internet webdynamics factors to make cash results every day.

Which is key : the creation of digital savings. 

Before in Classic Economy you were limited into 3 options to drive your money and make your life : 

- Option for a consumption gesture ; 
- Option for a saving gesture ; 
- Option for an investment gesture. 

 As the lak of compatibility between the 3 gestures provoque neither feeling contrariety because when you spend, you don't save neither invest ; when you save, you don't invest neither spend ; when you invest, you don't spend neither save. 

To resolve now you have a fourth option in Economy 4G3W : 

 - Option for a datevaluation gesture. 

To make a datevaluation you have to go WUW The Webcash Universocial Web where you get for free your "P.S.H.-Personal Saving Helper" app. It serves you for the creation of "digital savings" units.
Each $US 10,-/ 1 O.W. goes and run on Internet using Google Platform to be linked for production work sharing the Universocial Sovereign Anchor production at US Fed. 

When you share production with your digital savings, you get the right to share the cash results applied on smart contract basis each day at 12:00. 
All the results are distributed in mode "webtaxmatic" because to enjoy in freedom your cash results USTreasury retains all taxes dues. 
First by random then by seniority your digital savings may get multiplied results for you, each day. If not by random cause, older digital savings are prefered by the market "The Timestock Owned Market" where you may deal your digital savings properties making capital gains. 


A small screenshot in french for 4G3W

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How researches achieve Economy 4G3W

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Overcoming the Classic Economy


The discovery of an investment substitute concerns USAdmin and Google, why?

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"Datevaluation" is the name of the proposed practice as the 4th economic gesture to give people the ability to achieve multiplicative capacity and added value with the simple creation of digital savings. All without risk because the agent "datevalors" will always keep the liquid phase of your money and can revert at any time without any cost. Since "datevaluation" is an economic practice that works side by side with the 3 classic practices - consumption, savings, investment - and now considering this 4th practice as the only one that introduces "the time factor" to develop the economic value of savings , the discovery justifies the launch of a "PSH - Personal Savings Helper" application so that people can have a "one-click-engine-for-savings" to access "webcashmatic results" every 24 hours with "webtaxmatic freedom" and all on "cashkeeping mode". It is a toning improvement for people's economic life and that produces a well-being universocial. The need for a Google-USAdmin protocol is understood.


Positive effects of money valuation on taxation

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The creation of digital objects with monetary value + time-moment + the name of the creator of personalized digital savings, requires a registration with the nominative data and the timestamping of the data-gathering action in WUW's General Ledger.

It is from this data that WUWThe Webcash delivers the applications "Personal Webcashmotor Simulator 4G3W" + "Personal Saving Helper" to whoever requests it and totally free and forever.

It is about providing people with an auxiliary force to:
- to save and maintain the liquid phase of the working money;
- to multiply money, like playing, without the risk of losing;
- to obtain capital gains, with a better alternative to investment.

In the background, datevaluation is an economic practice dedicated to giving people the possibility of being enriched. A thing that in Classical Economy is no longer possible, being the trilema of the three limited economic practices that are offered to people to guide the money and considering that the investment is reserved for the most expert connoisseurs.
The advantages of the 4G3W Economy (with a 4th gesture in web space) are so intuitive and so loaded with legitimacy that they seem to have been sidetracked from the free enjoyment of the masses.

Well, this is not quite the case, because nothing of this was possible before we thought of pursuing interest as an object of production ex-machines. The "cash-sharing-production-to-share-cash-results" thing has only become possible with the development of the Internet and with the development of the automatic management capabilities proposed at "Google S Money Cloud Platform" smart contracts. Since then the "bots-for-cash" have been singularizated, to be offered themselves to the free control of the people who want to increase their performances and to enrich.

Today the theme, is the positive action that the matter brings  to taxation and to the increase of the resources available for the elaboration of the budgets of the state. In particular the increase of the resources of the USA. To produce universocial wellness with the folks help. And by plugging the holes in the reservoir so the liquid will fill and fill well. The flow of the "cash river" that people send to the EDF thanks to the modification of the "capital bombs" can not escape and get lost in dirty pockets and legitimized to serve unconfessable purposes.

End of meetings + meetings and meetings to get solutions. Because the savings will definitely become nominative and disposed of in financial properties in the name of the "datevalors" that create them. Because the people are in a hurry to make available to the EDF personalized digital savings that they want to help to manufacture interest,  for cash remuneration and or bailout, without intervention from commercial banks.  And a time-market for capital gains at Internet speed. She will have to serve the US FED and / or the other central banks. The power of money will become persona, singular and nominative. For #webcashmatic results and #webtaxmatic freedom. The interest rate will definitely be set at 2% / 365 to be paid after 24 hours. Nominatively to savers-owners on Owndated Webquantum digital properties.

End of the "floating-shares" and end of the legal channels that the titration of floating capital allows to anonymous rights for megamajors.
And you do not have to wash dirty money. That dirty money will seek identity because it is more profitable, even fueling the general budgets of the states. "America First"! Who has the copyright?
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The smart digital savings alphabet is on the Google Cloud Platform

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Google's pregnant cow gave birth the Google S

Google says : 
"Our mission is to organize the world's information and make it useful and accessible to everyone ".

Accessible to all, must also be the constitution of individual savings. 

Through a smart platform like GCP. That's why we keep the challenge exclusive for Google so that since "Davos' Summit 2020" the
Google Cloud Smart Platform says :

"Our mission is to organize the creation of world's nominative savings by distributing to each person his" Personal WebCashmotor" with the execution of intelligent data-sharing in a cash-sharing-cash regime, leading to digital savings at cash-production and at cash-sharing of all results every 24 hours, 12:00 New York locations in the webcashmatic and webtaxmatic utility modes that are useful and accessible to everyone".


Hopscotch and economy for kids

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Well there are the classic economic practices.

Consumption practice is easy for kids, for folks and for experts;
Savings practice,  kids have to learn, that folks fears , experts consternation;
Investment practice nonexistent for kids,  risks and losses for folks, big acrobatic wins for experts.
Then, in Economy 4G3W, datevaluation practice is proposed for brain relax as an investment's substitute like hopscotch for kids : make it as you like, you allways win. Or you save money. Or you multiply. Or you treat the time you give away.


How is your cash cake cooking ?

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Your financial cake have to be cooked every day. Because the datevaluation results have to be applied every day at 12:00 at The Timestock Owned Market and datevalors eat 80% of the day total cash cake .

Yes 80% of the "TotUnixTimeCashCake", about 27,000,000.-US$, have to be applied onto 10.000 "owndated webquantums" on 10,000 diferents amounts results slices.

Other 10% of the "TotUnixTimeCashCake", about 3,500,000.- US$, have to be applied for Google Cloud Platform infrastructure and general run costs payements.

Last 10% of the "TotUnixTimeCashCake", about 3,500,000.- US$, have to be applied for WUW The Webcash Universocial Web , copyrights and research,  4G3W team royalties.

All applied cash results [80 + 10 + 10] = 100% are a new datevaluation TAX BASE for America First (USAdmin).

80 % of all results applied for datevalors properties are paied on modes "webcashmatic" and "webtaxmatic". Automatic payment of the rate is expected to be no more than 20%.

Other [10%+10%] are paied on mode "webcashmatic". Automatic payment of the rate is on independent tax treatment. USAdmin may consider different criteria for datevaluation launchers.


People prefer smart cash, because...

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Everybody have to cover needs and wants, and...

- if I spend US$ 300, I cover satisfaction because I provide my frigo with foods I need ;
- but now I sufer the insatisfaction to haven't save this US$
 300,- to make safer my futur ;
- also I sufer another insatisfaction to haven't invest this US$ 300,- on a "margin call" in futures at CBOT, to strugle for gains.
Before my decision of spending, when I did walk to bank for savings the yield for 1 year it was about 1% less taxes (they push me away).
Then at the Loop I got very interesting perspectives but I was not an expert to control the risk of the investment.
Even feeling insatisfaction, I fix my target in the consumption field.

I have now to consider the creation of digital savings. Datevaluation into Economy 4G3W. Yes because when I apply datevaluation at the guts of my US$ 300,- using my "Personal Savings Helper", I get a smart economic mix "all_in_one" " :

I create 30 registered properties "Owndated Webquantums", which are digital savings containing a "timestock" to deal ;
this 30 properties are my dynamic savings which I can revert in my US$ 300,. at any time and meanwhile my savings quantums are catching free web production factors adding value and time. And every 12:00 New York local time at T.O.M. (The Timestock Owned Market) with the results aplication, one part of the "TotUnixTimeCake" may be a cash multiplied result for you.
All in modes "webcashmatic" and "webtaxmatic".
 Ask #USAdmin and #Google_Alphabet to protocole technical support/regulations, for folks use.


Is Google's pregnant cow most promise than Nasa's ?

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 Is Google's_pregnant_cow most promising than Nasa's ?


Because Nasa in front to 1 Google's pregnant cow presents and owns (in part at least) the Nasa's_Moon_cow, the Nasa's_Mars_cow, the Nasa's_Jupiter_cow, the Nasa's_Sun_cow... well.

But yes, under the no.

Because Google's pregnant cow is giving birth to a lot of useful things for the folks needs.
Then Google is linking people versus every day more essentials utilities and the generation of potencial promises is guaranted with folks working to generated  enought capital to achieve.
People generate enought capital not only for Google baby_things. People generate enought capital for Governments needs and for Nasa's baby_things.
Yes, but to Google nobody pays the straw. And the correct answer for title question have to include cost and straw for cow. Please call #quadrillions business makers = Google/USAdmin.

It means that in our Classic Economy the financial sources are drained. And people has no capital reserves on savings or others classic assets to support Government needs or even the bond and derivatives markets needs. In Classical economics we are already almost accustomed to the false, after so many false supposed solutions.

That's why, the investment's substitute (#datevaluation) in the belly of the Google's pregnant cow, take it's real dimension.

Lauching the Economy 4G3W, giving folks a one-click-motor-for-savings, people solve their needs and wants and attend Government's or Nasa's on financial capital needs.Because it's time to deal time.

Have you think about the real potential of #webcashmatic infinite results in #webtaxmatic freedom ?

Facts we know


Webcashmatic & Webtaxmatic summarized at a minimum

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Informations summarized at a minimum in . is a web where you get cash results 

Organizing a cash production and regulations for it cash distribution ;

Providing a general ledger and a blockchain ;

Giving folks a personal motor-for-savings ;

Giving folks a TimeStamped for time counting into digital savings ;

Giving folks a Market-for-Time exchanges ;

Creating WUW-The Webcash-Universocial-Web, agreed by W3C ;

Giving Technologic Structure by #googledepending protocol ;

Giving Regulations by #usadmindepending protocol ;

Fundamenting the creation of the UniversocialSovereignAnchor ;

We insure each person with the opportunity to get :

1. A savings helper (which run on your phone for free) ;

2. The benefits from “datevaluation” the 4th economic practice ;

3. The cash results coming from T.O.M. every 24 hours at 12:00.

All your results are from your “cashkeeping” datevaluations actions.

Your cash gains from time transactions you deal at The T.O.M.,


Your cash gains from TotUnixTimeCake every 12:00 if multiplication,

all your results have 2 qualities at the cashier moment :

results are #webcashmatic ;

results are #webtaxmatic.


Never before has money been treated as a living thing

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Never before. Yes.
And yet, we all compress the air so that it stays alive and serves as a shock absorber on our bike. Always before and until this new life the air served to the life in the vegetable kingdom and in the animal kingdom. Even bicycles work on wood wheels.
In our Classical Economy, considering even sophisticated things like futures markets with put & call options on interest rates, or even considering even the most modern crypto currencies, the money remains inserted dead as a non-life element such as the stick of the wheels of bicycles.
Yes because the money up to the 4G3W Economy, no one had ever put on it dissected elements in order to give it life. Elements and devices to enable live money. Because that money with own life, is able itself to better serve our human nature.
Giving the money the possibilities for himself to work on solving the bumps of every human life. That's why you need your personal Webcashmotor, giving you the power of the creator of as much "Owndated Webquamtums" as you wish.


Singular Digital Property

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Each Owndated Webquantum is a live body with it financial DNA.


Webtaxmatic is for your freedom

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At the we are working for giving you an investment substitute.
As the are#webcashmatic the investment's substitute is #webtaxmatic. 
