Multiplicative capacity instead of interest on Google's Cloud Platform handling

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In Economy 4G3W, with the creation of digital objects Owndated Webquantums, the creator becomes owner instead of lender.
The advantage is achieved through the use of the free application (Personal Savings Helper) enabling each person to the economic free practice of the money datevaluation. A practice that can be added to the 3 known practices of the Classical Economy to improve the personal economic yield allowing to operate with the money in four different ways:
Either spent it, or saving it, or investing it, or datevaluating it.
You got it : on Economy 4G3W you extend resources with datevaluation to better perform.

Your digital creations, your properties O.W. are registered at the WUW's ledger and timestamped with the creation moment. These digital objects are piped by the Google Cloud Platform and accommodated into the Universocial Sovereign Anchor to start sharing the organized cash production, taking the right to share the cash results applied each 12:00 at the T.O.M..

Your personalized digital savings handling

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