Where will Google's next success be built?

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Where will Google's next success be built?

In a space that Google will build itself to provide greater intelligent reach to satisfy people's wants and needs.

And in what specific space can Google be able to offer people such broad utility?

In a space that allows each person to extract infinite wealth.

Will Google launch open space for individual extraction of infinite wealth?

Can Google give people a custom app to freely use in creating and appropriating wealth?
With individual appropriation payable automatically and with tax obligations already fulfilled, everything ready and cleaned for you too?
Can Google let you download this app (Personal Savings Helper app) for free and make use of the Google Cloud Platform service available for free?

How is this possible?

It's a question of algorithms. As Google makes the Google Search search engine available for free and providing enrichment of knowledge to anyone and everyone, Google can also provide a Google for Cash engine (it would be a personal BPaaS-Business Process as a Service) for free and provide enrichment in cash money for anyone and everyone.

Ask Google for the launch of "one-click-motor-for-cash".

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