15. Should a CBDC pay interest? If so, why and how? If not, why not?

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Filipe's answer :

A CBDC has not to pay interest.

Because the interest rate (2%/day/365 daily payed) is use only to be transformed in a shared generator of cash results, with individualized times at production and a WUW's algorithm for the aplication of daily results upon UUS$$ digital objects with capital gains for everybody owners.

These capital gains are prefered to the attraction of an interest rate which mechanics is inflationary as knone.

In fact the phrase "A CBDC has not to pay interest" is used because in the preconized design for the US Fed's CBDC the people's action over money date-valuation provoque a capital flow growing atraction in shifting asset process conducting to digital objects property asset in digital savings ownership registered .
And in this shift asset process, the interest rate is used a purpose of production, going to the real target which is to make happen "capital gains" and "capacity to multiply" in liquid phase, fertilizing some dinamized cash to produce much more cash .That sprouts ing as an output for people using data-valuation as an investment substitute.

And in this shift asset process, the interest (preconized to be fixed for good at day a day payable rate of 2%/day/365) is used, at Fed's anchor [The Universocial Sovereign Anchor],  as motor of production  , going to the real target which is to make happen "individual capital gains" and "individual capacity to multiply" cash-in-much-more-cash both two outcomes to be applied each day (at T.O.M. The Timestock Owned Market 12:00 New York local hour) as new type of remuneration for persons using data-valuation creating "digital savings" giving substance by Fed's authorized digital dollars on legal tender.

Now in my opinion the CBDC of US Fed's should no pay interest by the fact that the payment of interest is an inflationary pratice which main objective effect grows in direct proportion with the rates grow and it application durability. Also introducing a parameter with determination of conjunctural evaluation and therefore of uncertain reach in volume in reason of the dose only approximate.

In my proposed construction design for US Fed's CBDC the thing is treated as follow :

A - Application of a recipe to produce capital gains from interest at a forever decided by Fed's fixed rate ;
B - Determination on the WUW's algorithm on it application policy with rules for the applicaion of the cash results produced ;
C - Creation of a time market, whose first would be The T.O.M.;
D - Use of Google Cloud Platform computacionall and techno-structural service inside of WUW's algorithm including solution for self feeded perenity in running costs,  to achieve an app like PSH-Personal Savings Helper (Android's & WUW's deal) able to give folks a free motor to help them to better perform in their economic activity. It would be the on WUW's service of personalized BPaaS.

The all above, justify the substancial terms but yet without wiki definitions :
#cashkeeping phase ;
#owndated webquantum ;
#digital savings ;
#webcashmatic mode ;
#webtaxmatic mode
and a set of terms to explain the upgraded Economy 4G3W.

At the end, my construction allows my offer to the US Fed through #Googledepending of my final project worked by Google in it standars if so could by also for W3C and for US Admnistration.

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