6. Could a CBDC adversely affect the financial sector? How might a CBDC affect the financial sector differently from stablecoins or other nonbank money?

buzz this

6. Could a CBDC adversely affect the financial sector? How might a CBDC affect the financial sector differently from stablecoins or other nonbank money?

Again in dependence of the CBDC design.
A design where the US FED authorize the use of an infinite number of it coded spaces for anidation alphanumeric and @stamped of monetary burdens to be provided of WUW's algorithm for the money data-valuation reproduction seems the opportunity to serve USA with a pioneer central bank currency driver included the processed money pumping by Google Cloud Platform in stream for the Universocial Sovereign Anchor of shared cash production at The USA FED and with cash results every 12:00 at New York local hour at The T.O.M. The Time Owned Market.

Could a CBDC adversely affect the financial sector?

Adaptations with upcoming reaction events would be daily webmatic treated by the total transparence of the WUW The Webcash and The T.O.M. The Time Owned Market and all insuered by Google's Technical Structure.

Bearing in mind the principles to be followed in order to achieve the set of solutions required for the general satisfaction of social, economic and political needs, the design of the US Fed CBDC cannot deviate from the one I present to you.
So much so that the best thing would be to start with a working group to prepare the post-test M.I.T. and in secrecy.

In fact, the needs to be satisfied cannot wait:

As for individuals, legal entities and even entities, in the social sphere:

- How can budgets be used in order to live?
- How can growing investment needs be met without promoting popular savings and without having to remunerate them with the highly inflationary "interest rate instrument"?
- How can you start and achieve the disinfection of money "separating the wheat from the chaff"?
- How can you restore a balance between the monetary and the financial to people?
- How can people be given happiness and freedom by encouraging and supporting them in economic life?

As for the economic ones and as for the issuing institute:

- How can the Fed's US dollar be maintained and hegemonized?
- How can investments be fed without having to create currency in a hyperbolic trend?
- How can commercial banks and central banks that are not in line with the US Constitution be put back at the service of the society sheltered by the US army?
- How can infinite wealth be extracted from an Internet Web space?
- How can the US$ be digitized without disturbing and without harm?

As for the policies and as for the US Constitution:

- How can an advantageous CBDC be regulated to progressively replace the US dollar?
- How can we ensure that the framework for the "legal trend" is fair and comprehensive in terms of the existing socio-economic, monetary and financial structures in the pre-launch of the new digital currency?
- How are the elements of the US CBDC eligible as tax makers and what are the supervisory bodies?
- Must the law authorize the Fed to use Google's infrastructure
for services inherent to the issuance, operation and automatic computer circulation, including tax refunds to taxpayers from other countries?
- The legislation must be designed with a provision on a confidential basis for a launch that may come as a surprise to the Market.

In fact, I present to you here the ingredients of the solution

1. Liquidity preference, the solution is "#cashkeeping" ;
2. Satisfying "needs and wants", the solution is "#webcashmatic" ;
3. Being a producer of daily results, the solution is time for action;
4. Being a wellness producer, the solution is "#webtaxmatic".

The structure that should support the proposed design for the launch of the US CBDC requires:

To the founding by the Fed and the acceptance of the US CBDC design,
1. Formation of Universocial Sovereign Anchor" with 1 Trillion US$ serving as a cash production device for daily distribution and as a temporary magnetic magnet offered publicly to share results on an individual basis from "sharing cash production" to "share cash results every 24 hours", and :

in the broadcast,

- At the decision point of the CBDC issue: people practicing "the money data-valuation" using the Android app "P.S.H.-Personal Savings Helper", change the asset from US$ 10.- to a digitally owned asset = 1 Owndated Webquantum that contains the name of the creator combined with the monetary charge and with the timestamp of the property created with authorization from the Fed and assisted by the WUW The Webcash algorithm with internal and external Google Cloud Platform service with W3C agreement and performing general execution from end to end including the postage of round trips, to Mercado do Tempo, the Bid & Ask service, transactions, delivery of payments, always in the #cashkeeping phase and the performance of functions in the #webcashmatic and #webtaxmatic modes.

Now finally answering your title question:

The inconveniences and disturbances will have repercussions on the monetary and financial markets, which will see a decrease in the income derived from the current issuance system by Tbonds.

The advantages for all are found in the improved Economy with the practice of "the money data-valuation", its infinite benefits for all, its instrument for producing an interest rate forever fixed at 2%/day/365 payable every 24 hours, its power to create an unenforceable fiscal mass.

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