How should the bride US$ be dressed to marry digital commitment

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How should the US$ bride be dressed to marry with the concrete commitment to transform herself into a currency in digital form?

1. The digital dress must be reversible into a vegetal/fiat dress

What: You have to be able to use vegetal-fiat form or digital form as you prefer depending on your current circumstances. The design of the digital dollar must allow the data of the safe-covering material to be worked on, providing the dynamic action of its owner towards the utility that he wants to obtain from the currency in this or that form.

Why: Because in the economic struggle of life, people will be able to induce in a Do-G-Phone the data of their digital dollars, to obtain:

- the vegetal/fiat form of the US$ to satisfy certain needs and desires;
- the digital form of the US$ to satisfy all their needs and desires, extracting greater value from the computation of the data of each and all the utilities of the digital currency expressed in the advantages: monetary, financial, taxmatic and spiritual.

2. The digital dress must be made of cash-producing cells.

What: A productive structure based on guaranteed monetary cells organized with a time market for cash remuneration of the entire data-valuation-aai ecosystem.

Why: the digital dollar has to empower people for a Personal Business as a Service (GCloudPlatform in #googledepending/#feddepending offer) to ensure multiplying capacity and capital gains without costs nor risks.

3. The digital currency must be live with time linked to its holder and unique to each unit of legal tender digital currency.

What: a digital dollar with an always unique design, cut on a canvas with threads connected to the production data and made on a loom tailored to your needs.

Why: The digital dollar has to run in an economic device as the first dynamic currency integrated in a general market of time-commodity exchanges based on the time counted value carried by each cell in cash-production which day results are affected to each owner.

Ingredients if the bride's dress of UUS$$

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