Showing posts with label universocial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label universocial. Show all posts


Expecting Google as the pioneer launcher of financial phones

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Google have to cut, the "personal-savings-helper" from the use of Microsoft, Apple and others boys, in face at the opportunity of the advantage of the money datevaluation it means the launch of the phone for linking money giving people the ability for the creation of personalized-digital-savings.

Yes because it is the future. The introduction of the datevaluation practice is the singular process to make agreement between FED and GOOGLE for the enlargement of the economic space where people have to make economic action for wellbeing.

And if Google can supply the infrastructure to run all personalized economic actions, Obama have to see safety of people in universocial wellbeing and the US Admnistration  have to supply the regulations.

Then we can go by 10€ parcels, linking money  at the "One trillion" Universocial-Sovereign-Anchor, sharings little cells of cash production, for much-more-money in daily cash results. At 12:00 New-York local time, at the TOM (Timestock-Owndated-Market), results and time-market. Because it's time to deal time. When you are able to save money, first than me.

Is Google so sleepy to let do another pioneer win the lauch of the financial-phones ? No it is not.


Google Ventures, Google Wave and Gool-Bama-Cash

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We need Google for universocial wellbeing structure. Because we need to launch the money datevaluation practice in order to upgrade our ending Classic Economy into smart-mobile Economy 4G3W . Google expert in infrastrucure giving folks free opportunity for linking money at U_S_A (Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor).

We need President Barak Obama for universocial structure regulations. US Admnistration can do that.

Let people make added value over personalised-webliving-savings. For free and in cashkeeping conditions. Linking money for much-more-money by datevaluation and using financial waves. Both we can do that.


Linking 10 € parcels to get your plusvalues generator.

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Linking money parcels at Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor is the obamadepending solution to get a plusvalues generator.
In personal webcashmotor form which can give you the ability to catch non-limited added values from free production factors into WebSea financial-soap-shaker.
Yes because you can increase as much as you want your personal-web-value. In financial terms just linking money-to-money by Google-Android-Nexus-Obamadepending-Phone. Your 4G3W cash-link-opportunity is hundred percent free.

Linking 10 € parcels to get a plusvalues generator.

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Linking money parcels at Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor is the obamadepending solution to get a plusvalues generator.
In personal webcashmotor form which can give you the ability to catch non-limited added values from free production factors into WebSea financial-soap-shaker.
Yes because you can increase as much as you want your personal-web-value. In financial terms just linking money-to-money by Google-Android-Nexus-Obamadepending-Phone. Your 4G3W cash-link-opportunity is hundred percent free.


Why your merging money with time ?

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Because you need to keep your personal bank-finantial power
It is for you.

Because it is your owned timestock  cashproduction-cashgoing-daily-cash-sharing
It is webpowered.

Because it is the upgrade of the old Classic Economy
It is your finantial-fast-food.

It is the Gool-Bama-Cash solution.

Tagvaporated Wordle:
Wordle: Merging money with time


Tagvaporating 10€ or multiples

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When you datevalue 1 or multiple 10€ parcel by Mousephone ( code name for the personal webcashmotor) you apply in 1 or multiple owndated webquantums and you stay in cash phasis. Because you prefer to keep cash your savings. So you-do-mark-your-money webdating it. Then your webcashmotor start to run in the new Economy 4G3W. That action is like a fishing money action by communication motors at the deep WebSea.
There you stay cash and allways cash, because you may have to reverse your datevaluation if you need your savings by now websyncron-dated and in webjobbing position (you webcashfish by webpowered_link and in sleeping mode) .

Now your economics parcels of owned_timestock are running and catching 24/7.

And your detailed money datevaluation includes your feed_personalizator. Select your tag_vaporating feed_pilot :

- you may mix for free free production factors to your initial fusion (the 10€ unit_of_money melted in your own_webpasted_time) :
- some "seo", "tags", "photos", "slides", "google", "live spaces","yahoo pipes", "quintura", "fuzzzy" and so many others added values for your free imagination to go up and up forever.

By such "web_potage" you shall prefer this_flavor_or_that_flavor in a personal and personalized choice for your pleasure. Your personal recipe in such finantial_fastfood self_agreement is your dynamic_ownmarked_quantum now tagvaporated by your care. Each of yours "owndated webquantums" are an universocial webjurisperson.

So it is easier with your own webcashmotor. Now you have the answer to your question. Did you understand the material hard&soft&owndated&personal savings&finantial "tagvaporating" your (webjuris quantum) webjuris_person_quantum ? If not, complete that my Dear. I am sure you may help me and the Humanity making money not the war.

Finito parlare. Take cash results. Reserve your ticket at the Webcash_Universocial_Web.

Just link money_to_money for much_more_money.

Go to the Economy 4G3W because it is for you and for "Les uns et les autres".
