Showing posts with label #digital savings. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #digital savings. Show all posts


Are the capital gains of digital savings a product of luck ?

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Yes, but not only.

Because in addition to the capital gains that arise in everyday applications through the random draw process of 10,000 digital savings properties, from between all the set of all digital properties cells occupied in interest production which is in distribution day after day at 12:00, there are other capital gains which also treated in the webcashmatic and webtaxmatic modes and that may be compared as time rents.
In fact other capital gains come from  the OWs properties of digital savings by transactions dealed at The T.O.M. Market between the day atribution of cash results and following day atribution of the cash results. (The smart contract for datevaluation regulate that the owner of each OW production cell is legitimated by the person's name on the WUW's General Ledger and it may be different from the original creator. Google S on the money cloud platform execution do the blind job as a fiduciary robot ).

And these capital gains, from digital savings transactions are exclusively valued by the time expressed on seniority of savings ?

Mainly time accounted as a good,  yes. But again not only.

Because at the creation moment recorded with timestamp the property registered with the consecutive sequencial number, it creator's name, one of it following owners, a similitude with birthday dates, a suite of numbers and so many other things more or less objective may ser apreciated by a buyer of one or more of yours properties OWs.

Common sense accepts that the nature of the winner's intangible refuge of the satisfaction to live, is made of  50% of need at the live moment, plus 50% of ability on the composition of the mix of means to fulfill the need , the choice of the method to apply the means to fulfill the need, and the choice of the method to monetary benefit.


Multiplied cash results as foster basis for capital gains

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To multiply cash, keeping the cash phasis  and getting to achieve on much more cash, we need to apply on biologics principles at the money. In analogy like before on the "guts of the money" we had write.
Again in the Classic Economy when you look to multiply money we have to go on investment's practice. The problem was the risk. Even when you are an expert you may loss when "investing".

In Economy 4G3W, are proposing "datevaluation" to multiply money thanks to "Google S$S Platform" service. Safe 5/5 and free 100%.
Now at the presentation here by, you are invited to decide if, it is the "capital gains" produces "the money multiplication" or if it is "the money multiplication" produces "capital gains".
The only certainty is that everything produces the "saving power".
It is understood the reason of the "Personal Saving Helper" and the eagerness of the birth of Google S $ S.


As the time go you make capital gains

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 Did you say "pocketmatic" ?

 Not exactly but you are right. Because datevaluation is an economic practice designed to better perform your aconomic performance, using web. And Google S more specificly. 

Because the "webcashmatic" mode  puts the cash in your pocket on safe mode. Because that money is fiscally free, because resolved by "webtaxmatic" function .This Google S Platform's function is a real pleasure to let you enjoy real freedom of your life .

So help me Google


The platform of money dependent on Google, drags the fixation of the world's "digital savings" to America : is this a problem?

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To promote the practice of datevaluation to foster each individual's economic performance and broaden the economic space available for wealth creation, it requires precautions dealt with in the protocols with US Administration.

On the one hand, the attractiveness of the creation of digital savings causes a deviation from the capacity of making individual savings, from the traditional forms and their geolocations to the Sovereign Anchor with training provided in the FED in New York.

On the other hand, "webcashmatic" yields with "webtaxmatic" retentions involve very different taxation, taking into account the geolocalizations of the data-savers (#datevalors freedom) in about 200 sovereign nations.

Now when the people create a stream of money by pooling a sea of ​​money in the USA, this happens because of a set of existing and potential forces that must be considered and justified in the queen nation of the technologies, security and legislative abilities open and indispensable.

No, public implementation and the launching of the opportunity to improve the economy by giving people a free, motor-to-spare click-engine-to-save, does not contain the slightest threat to any country or to anyone.
Everything is for "Well Being" and the United States of America does not want the bread of others. Yes they defend the evolution necessary to Humanity.


People has to get a money platform : Google can do it.

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Yes, to cover their needs and wants.

Propositure of datevaluation practice may open an economy provided with an investment's substitute riskfree giving people the opportunity to make capital gains from digital savings.
Think about capital gains as a reward for saving sooner. Digital savings added value growing as the time go :
Resultado de la imagen para webcashmatic 4g3w


10,000 "TotUnixTimeCake"'s slices to attract digital savings

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Yes it's enought.

Because at The Timestock Owndated Market (T.O.M.) every day at 12:00 New York local time, the results of the organized cash prodution coming from the Universocial Sovereign Anchor (USAnchor) are applied as remuneration over 10,000 Owndated Webquantums (OWs).
The slice for the older OW (the older digital object with biggest time-in-stock) receives about US$ 27,000,000.- (about 27 millions of US dollars).
Others 9,999 slices are smaller and smaller, the last slice for the younger OW (the youngest digital object with smaller time-in-stock) receives about US$ 100,- (about 1 hundred of US dollars).
After results application, T.O.M. market is open for time-in-stock exchange by Bid&Ask to buy and sell time contained on your digital savings.
Yes because you may authorize WUW The Webcash Uiversocial Web for your required endorsement in favor of another datevalors' buyer.
Of course you negociate the time of each of yours OWs created shifting the asset of US$ 10,-, may be at a good price which difference is your capital gain.

All in #cashkeeping phase ;

All, in mode #webcashmatic ;

All, in mode #webtaxmatic freedom.


Either you multiply cash results or you make capital gains

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Because digital savings are your creations by datevaluation. Because datevaluation is out of risk losses, folks abandoning investment for the experts. Datevaluation runs with the time. Second after second, making accumulation of time upon your digital savings. Older savings are better than younger savings. As it have to be on an enhanced Economy 4G3W. At the WebSea.  


How and for what is The T.O.M. ?

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T.O.M. The Timestock Owned Market is a predictable market with proposed location at New York.

In the resolution of the next need for public fixation of the results of the economic activity of "datevaluation" to be applied and distributed in cash every 24 hours at 12:00 New York local time in favor of the economic agents called "datevalors", WUW The Webcash Universocial Web is promoting the founding of TOM..
In addition to the results to be set every 12:00, the "datevaluation" activity produces a market for the transfer of digital savings properties that initially works with the organization in Bid & Ask spot market. Awaiting derivatives for later.

The creation of this market is necessary to allow the mercantile treatment of the time contained on digital savings.
It are dynamic time-units counting time and carriying US$ 10,- of financial compound redemable, each "Owndated Webquatum".

T.O.M. New York Time Exchange at virtual building

It is from the local headquarters of TOM that happens the final task :

 The application of FED deliveries as results, being:

a) Each day a "TotUnixTimeCashCake" due to USAnchor's production (Universocial Sovereign Anchor) with the supervision and surveillance collaboration of The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA);
b) Each day a "TotRedemedSavings" that will be derived in total and immediately to the Google Cloud Platform in favor of the cashcall rescues by the Personal Savings Helpers;
c) The payment of the "TotUnixTimeCashCake" slice to GDP for its services and in execution of the protocols;
d) The payment to the Authoring;
e) Payment to WUW.

  The oversight of the general function of the TOM .

 The general treatment of incoming questions.


Hopscotch and economy for kids

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Well there are the classic economic practices.

Consumption practice is easy for kids, for folks and for experts;
Savings practice,  kids have to learn, that folks fears , experts consternation;
Investment practice nonexistent for kids,  risks and losses for folks, big acrobatic wins for experts.
Then, in Economy 4G3W, datevaluation practice is proposed for brain relax as an investment's substitute like hopscotch for kids : make it as you like, you allways win. Or you save money. Or you multiply. Or you treat the time you give away.



How much generate The Timestock ?

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Folks action is expected as very interested in the constitution of "personalized digital savings" properties containing the name of the creator, the stock of time after creation and the capital saved on dynamics web.
Folks creations using their "Personal Savings Helper" for digital savings constitution reach remuneration on capital gains applied every 12:00 New York local time at The T.O.M..
Folks downloading for free the app "Personal Savings Helper" are busy on the creation of some digital savings in order to get the results application every 12:00 at New York local time, each day at The Timestoc_Owndated_Market.

Nothing : for people just "webcashmatic" feeds up digital savings  results with added value or multiplied, by smartphone.

Trillions of $ US in a cash stream going to a Web_Cash_Sea supporting all reorganized financial pumps. The base of the new financial system wich may be called Web_Cash_Sea, Web_Code_Sea or Web_Fed_Sea.

Nothing : for USAdmin just "webtaxmatic" giving folks freedom in a river of cash production for digital savings remuneration.

Very far from 1 googol. You might know that a googol—the digit 1 followed by 100 zeroes—is a very large number indeed.

Google/Alphabet is on #googledepending decision for the target of 1 quadrillion $US business. Now or tomorrow for the kickoff.

Nothing : for Google just giving folks "one-click-for-savings-helper" creating a great resource for people wellbeing and protecting a virgin space for infinite wealth extraction

The Timesotck Owndated Market, The T.O.M. is the market where digital savings owners use bid & ask to buy or to sell the time contained on savings (time accounted from the creation moment of each of these digital objects). Digital savings exchages produces capital gains for the the sellers in reason of the market preference for savings  constitued into O.W.s properties, at a better timeStamp date registered and on the ledger blockchain's conciliated script.

Technical support and regulation are insured by  [Google/Alphabet for techs & USAdmin for regulations] asked by agreement on authoring's draft for "datevaluation launch allowing Era's Economy 4G3W. 

Well, and then what happens ?

Google's pregnant cow gives birth The TOM (The Timestock Owndated Market)
