Google Ventures, Google Wave and Gool-Bama-Cash

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We need Google for universocial wellbeing structure. Because we need to launch the money datevaluation practice in order to upgrade our ending Classic Economy into smart-mobile Economy 4G3W . Google expert in infrastrucure giving folks free opportunity for linking money at U_S_A (Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor).

We need President Barak Obama for universocial structure regulations. US Admnistration can do that.

Let people make added value over personalised-webliving-savings. For free and in cashkeeping conditions. Linking money for much-more-money by datevaluation and using financial waves. Both we can do that.


Your financial tweets pushing you up and up forever

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Pushing you up and up forever
Because most of your tweets could become money containers with a timestock of your savings ability. Then by linking money-to-money with googledepending structure and obamadepending regulations,your personalized-dynamic-savings may run catching webcashmatic added value into your account.Your Webcashaccount using your own webcashmotor in your smart Mousephone 4G3W.

Because we need an investment's substitute so easy to get efficacity like your tweets in twitter.com and 10€ each tweet my tweets at http://twitter.com/filipe27 could be my dynamic reserve of 3,876 cells-production-tweets x 10€ = 38,876 € producing interest rate linked at Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor and sharing day-cash-results making personalized source of permanent production of added value.

It is the Gool-Bama-Cash recipe proposed for economic upgrade. For you. For your cash results day after day, always more and more results and forever. Ask Google and Barak Obama. For universocial wellbeing. For you again.


Let's share 1 trillion cash anchor

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Let's share 1 trillion

The cash production of 1 trillion US dollars into cash Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor magnetic deposit on Central Banks System for 1 year at 1% interest rate, is a cash amount of 10 billions of US dollars.

10 billions = 10'000'000'000

And 10'000'000'000/365 days = 27'397'260,- US$ of cash production per day.

Would you put 1 or more parcels of 10 US$ to get the right to share every day such cash production ?

The proposal is offered to folks in cashkeeping mode it means that you can reverse and stop sharing daily results against the cash back just using your cashcall order.

Details and "how to" are proposed by the economic upgrade of the Classic Economy adding a fourth practice called datevaluation. And by the practice of this substitute of the investment practice you go to the Universocial Cash Economy on the Webcash_Universocial_Web.

Now for technical infrastructure the WUW-team-4G3W is challenging Google for the creation of the bank-financial function under Android Nexus One. The thing is on Googledepending step.

Then for regulations and US Admnistration control the WUW-team-4G3W is challenging the President Barak Hussein Obama. The thing is on Obamadepending step.

For you it is much-more-simple : linking money-to-money for much-more-money using the web for free with your free Personal Webcashmotor. Get your personalized money.


Google Wave Developer Blog: Wave open source next steps: "Wave in a Box"

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Google Wave Developer Blog: Wave open source next steps: "Wave in a Box": "patches to implement a MongoDB store)"


Make frozen interest rate forever

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Savings must create plusvalues. Then folks will save and save and Economy will get the ressource of a constant interest rate. 1% forever. Or for a while. Obamadepending versus Googledepending. With a new generation e-mail device provided with personal bank-financial power giving politico-technical trust for universocial wellbeing.

Can you agree or say better ?

Come with us : WUWteam4G3W

From Mauro Caceres :

For resuming, make financial device for just by freezing the taxes of interest we are then estabilishing a solid ground for standing on, no matter what, even if you save little, you could be assured that your savings won't fall.

Instead of just politic-tech trust we'll have a popular choose, since we're orienting this "Universocially" and today, anyone can have the enough access to tech as to reach us and make use of the 4G3W, from anywhere in the world. We'll be on popular demand, don't worry.

(As my opinion, I would trust Obamadepending choosing).


How Google can checkmate iPhone

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How Google can checkmate iPhone

Because Google is near to launch new e-mail generation giving folks personal bank- financial power.

Google can checkmate iPhone because financial infrastructure creation for the use of money datevaluation practice is proposed in Googledepending and Obamadepending terms.
Apple and Steve Jobs are not introduced near by Economy 4G3W Author's.


Get your plug-to-cash

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Keep your savings_web_dynamic and let it live with you.

Plug-to-cash money is the stream which you create making the new economic practice of the money datevaluation proposed in Economy 4G3W. Because when you launch each 10€ parcel shifting asset from the credit asset of your parcel of bank money into 1 Owndated Webquantum in your ownership registered property communicated by your action on your personal webcashmotor's menu, you create in fact a new and single financial material to run the web soap, linking money-to-money ( your new 10€ parcel linked with a time-stock quantum at U_S_A the Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor) for cash-production-cash-sharing-process.

To connect your plug-money (the money-link) you customize your savings in plots of 10 €uros merging units of bank money, with your name and best time of your webcashmotor THROUGH web. As if charging a cell phone.

No more and you will have 1 plot OW (Owndated Webquantums) for your 10 €uros webmarked custom. And OWs are your financial containers with your savings_web_dynamics in automatic time-control. Since the savings may be customized and made to work in a work universocial money-with-money plugged into your best possible data or your OT (the timestock owned).
Mean and say, money in his date of creation is now shifted in web-dynamic-savings.
Want to say and repeat: saving custom container placed in time-merit-value.
Mean and end: I want my cash, to produce cash and cash daily delivered results.

And so it is clear that your safe driving ability introduces your personal economic performance in highway for wellbeing :

- Personal money in cash savings_web_working and maintained in fresh acces for your needs/wants;
- OW money in property and financial power instead of credit / debit / and 1 rate of interest;
- With money in your webespace worker and force_web_inputed without investment risk.

Now if you'll also be able to say: Now-I-Save-By-Motor. Let me save my friend!

4G3W economics is that, whenever things go for you. On how your cash is cash and cashkeeping it have to produces results.

Simply replace the classic savings mechanism in box-cookies-venture investment bank, to keep for you your bank and financial power at your home.
Go up and forever. Always and always getting webcashmatic cashkeeping capital appreciation.
Even the elderly prefer dynamic-savings. And you?

Mousephone 4G3W will look like :


Linking 10 € parcels to get your plusvalues generator.

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Linking money parcels at Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor is the obamadepending solution to get a plusvalues generator.
In personal webcashmotor form which can give you the ability to catch non-limited added values from free production factors into WebSea financial-soap-shaker.
Yes because you can increase as much as you want your personal-web-value. In financial terms just linking money-to-money by Google-Android-Nexus-Obamadepending-Phone. Your 4G3W cash-link-opportunity is hundred percent free.

Linking 10 € parcels to get a plusvalues generator.

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Linking money parcels at Universocial_Sovereign_Anchor is the obamadepending solution to get a plusvalues generator.
In personal webcashmotor form which can give you the ability to catch non-limited added values from free production factors into WebSea financial-soap-shaker.
Yes because you can increase as much as you want your personal-web-value. In financial terms just linking money-to-money by Google-Android-Nexus-Obamadepending-Phone. Your 4G3W cash-link-opportunity is hundred percent free.


Why Google dont help on Obamadepending financial act

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Because linking money to money may seem a danger for bank system.

The creation of personalized Financial Waves is a solution proposed to reform.

For succes. Because Google and Obama they have to give folks free instruments for wellbeing.


Linking financial waves by Google-Fi-Phone

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Yes, misterio-us universocial things. Like the bulk of your money when you link money-to-money to make added value.

Some financial recipes..."né-Dio-lo-sa".

Shifting waves of salt water into personalized-cash-waves is good for you. As Fi-phone is good for Google. Giving folks a motor-for-savings. Because you need "F" from finance, before i-phone. Better than you need i-phone. Because Gool-Bama-Cash is waiting for you. Then your Personal Webcashmotor start to run in Economy 4G3W.


Using Evernote for tagvaporating activities

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Tagvaporating economic activities to share knowledge about the money datevaluation and the linking money-to-money practice which is also a mode for linking knowledge-to-knowledge for much-added-value.

Evernote for tagvaporating activities

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The bulk of your money

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Is it the fault of your bank, that of the banking system or the Central Banks? 

where we arrived with our three pulp Economy invoked by Barack Hussein Obama using his capacity as President of the United States of America and now in search of the solution, here described in its major features.

You give in to the

the bank or your other debtors. Sometimes worry you're sick and guards in cash under your mattress, for example.

Linking money-to-money for much-more-money

The mass of your money may be tied to the date of connection to the dynamic webcashmatic . To share results every day at 12:00.

without consenting to the abandonment of its quality of available reserve. And without consenting to the abandonment of your financial capital.

And while retaining your power orientative or veto on areas of use by the banking system and government policies.

That is to say that you'll use the bulk of your money while keeping your funding authority expressed and count your rights or property Owndated Webquantums-Webliving-Personalized Savings. You have become the arbiter of geo-economic developement.

Icon should appear on the screen of your NexusOne
